Southern Medical University (SMU) has begun phasing out its mixed-gender dorm policy despite opposition from more than 80 percent of surveyed students, local newspaper Yangcheng Evening News reports. 据《羊城晚报》报道,南方医科大学计划逐步取消混寝制度。然而,在与之相关的投票活动中,却有八成以上的学生对取消该制度持反对意见。 The university in Guangzhou was the only in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong to adopt the policy allowing male and female students to live on the same floors. 南方医科大学坐落于广州市,是广东省唯一一所允许男女生住进同一楼层的大学。 In most Chinese universities, male and female students live in separate buildings, or on separate floors of the same building, and visits to areas occupied by the opposite sex are strictly controlled. In a dorm at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, the second and third floors are for female students, while male students live on the fourth floor and above. 在国内的很多大学,男女生都是分开在不同的宿舍楼或者同一宿舍楼在不同的楼层居住,而且针对进入异性宿舍楼都有严格管理规定。广东外语外贸大学则是实行二三楼女生住四层以上男生居住的政策。 SMU, which was founded in October 1951, highlighted a liberal residence policy in their student recruitment drive, portraying it as a symbol of freedom, openness and equality. 南方医科大学建于1951年10月,其开放的男女生混宿政策甚至成为该校每年招生季的噱头,以此突出学校自由、开放和平等的原则。 In regards to the policy change, the university said "male and female students have different lifestyles. To prevent noise made by male students playing games late into the night from disturbing female students, and also to make it easier for skimpily-clad female students to dare to open their doors for fresh air during summer, the decision to abolish the mixed gender dorm policy has been made." 针对此次政策的调整,校方解释道“男女学生在生活方式上有一定的差异,为了避免男同学深夜玩游戏传来的喧闹影响到女同学的作息,也为了方便女同学在夏天衣着清凉时仍敢开门通风,故而作出取消男女混宿的决定”。 SMU did not terminate the policy immediately, but the percentage of students living in mixed-gender dorms had dropped from what it was previously, according to the report. 据新闻报道,虽然南方医科大学并没有立即取消该制度,但是先前在混宿宿舍居住的部分学生已经搬出原本居住的宿舍。 A student’s mother supported the university’s decision, saying students were still relatively young and that they may not be able to handle the potential consequences. 一位学生的母亲表示支持校方的决定,并强调学生们仍旧处于青春期,一旦越界,很难承受相应的后果。 However, in on online survey organized by students, 82 percent of 6,693 participants called for the mixed-gender dorms to remain. 然而,在学生发起的针对是否取消混寝制度的投票活动中,共有6693名学生参与其中,有82%的学生呼吁保留混宿制度。 Wang, a student at the university’s nursing school, said many high school students were surprised and curious about having a mixed-gender dorm, but "it’s really nothing special after you get used to it." 该校护理学院的一位姓王的学生表示许多大学生都对混寝制度表示惊奇或充满好奇,但实际上习惯了之后非常正常,没什么不方便的。 Wang said students are helpful to one other, and that the arrangement was not nearly as evil as some people imagined. 王同学还提到,其实混寝制度有利于让男女生互帮互助,而且过程也没有外界人们想的那么邪恶。 Ding Yu, an associate professor at Sun Yat-Sen University, said it was totally normal for male and female students to live in the same dorm. Ding also said the influences of history and culture were still powerful, preventing many people from accepting the idea. 中山大学(分数线,专业设置)副教授丁瑜表示,男女混宿其实是一件很正常的事情,只是受历史文化的影响,国内的主流观念暂时无法完全接纳男女混宿制度。 Ding suggested that improved management of dorms was needed to better protect the privacy of students. 丁瑜还表示实行男女混宿的高校还需要配备有效的管理方式,以更好保护学生隐私。 |